Me, the socially awkward giraffe |
So my friend has lots of health problems, including very severe panic and anxiety attacks. She had to transfer out of public school, and take an online school. I’m quite sure she felt really lonely because our group of friends were all at the public school, and we couldn’t always visit her.
She did discover that her online school was going to have a real-life prom. She was so excited that she could participate in a prom. She had a date and a dress, but she needed another friend to double date with. She had a terrible time about it, as no one was able to commit months in advance.
No one, except me.
Me, probably the most socially awkward person in our friend group, and I accepted the invitation of asking a Boy to my friends’ prom. I was glad to help her have a lovely time, but I was mortified to ask someone. She asked me a few months before the event, so I had lots of time to prepare, but of course I waited till the week before prom to ask my date. (huge HUGE facepalm in retrospect of my awkwardness)
With a few kinks and awkward talks, the date was settled. All I had to do was try to forget how awkward I was and how bad my hair looked, and go to that darn prom and help my friend and I have a wonderful time.
We finally arrived and found a nice, huge, and nearly empty dining room of the establishment. We couldn’t go on the real dance floor because it was dark and had flashing lights, two things guaranteed to set off her panic attacks. We danced to the radio music in a corner all by ourselves, and had a blast.
Then, all of a sudden, my friend stopped dancing, her eyes dialated, and then she keeled over, shaking uncontrollably. I knew what to do, so I half-carried half-dragged her to the women’s restroom (not an easy feat when she was in a really, really, poofy dress) and sat her down on the floor.
She closed her eyes tight, became very tense, and still shaking violently, started sobbing. She said that she felt so terrible that this was happening when things were going so great. She was worried about ruining my night, and how embarrased I must be to have a friend that can’t hold herself together for a few hours.
I told her I felt nothing of the sort, and was worried only about how she was feeling. Even in her darkest moments, she was still sweet and unselfish. I was very touched. To make her feel better, I said a prayer, and then we started singing hymns. She has a heavenly voice, while mine is so-so. Our voices reverberated throughout the bathroom, sounding like a mini chorus of angels.
After about 15 minutes, she felt much better. We went back outside to greet our dates’ alarmed faces, as until then I had completely forgotten about them.
The rest of the night was perfect. My friend was a little bit frazzled, but in good spirits.We went home, singing all along our merry way.
I feel so blessed to have such a loyal and unselfish friend. She has so many terribly hard trials, but handles them with so much grace and refinement.
I cannot fathom why she would be my friend, with all my faults and shortcomings, but I am so glad she is, as I wouldn’t be the same without her tender spirit